Dark circles under the eyes are a problem that affects many people. They can result from a variety of causes, such as stress, fatigue, dehydration or lack of sleep. Fortunately, there are many natural ways that can help reduce dark circles under the eyes. Here is a detailed...
kwas hialuronowy
4 Key Steps of Skin Care
Skin care is not only a matter of aesthetics, but above all health. Daily care of the skin can significantly improve its appearance and condition, as well as prevent many dermatological problems. In this article, we outline four key steps that...
How to Fight Skin Discoloration?
Skin discoloration is a problem that many people face. They can appear for a variety of reasons, such as overexposure to the sun, hormonal changes or natural aging processes. Fighting hyperpigmentation may seem difficult, but thanks to...
How to Take Care of Dry Skin?
Dry skin can not only be a nuisance, but also affect our mood and self-confidence. If you struggle every day with an unpleasant feeling of tightness, itching or roughness, it's high time to learn how to effectively take care of your...
Tanning without secrets: Prepare your skin for sunny days
May brings with it longer and warmer days, and thus more exposure to the sun. For many of us, this signals that it's time to prepare our skin for tanning. To enjoy a beautiful, healthy tan, it's a good idea to take proper care of your skin. Here are some key...
Different Places on the Skin Where Fillers Can Be Applied
Dermal fillers are a popular tool in aesthetic medicine, used to improve the appearance of the face and body. They are used to fill in wrinkles, restore lost volume and contour the face and body. With them, it is possible to achieve...
Active Ingredients in Tissue Stimulators
At Chloe Clinic, located in the heart of Warsaw, our mission is to offer top-quality aesthetic treatments that address the diverse needs of our clients. Our skilled medical and cosmetology team is constantly expanding its knowledge to...
Chloe Clinic & Beautamine – razem tworzymy przyszłość pielęgnacji skóry
W świecie medycyny estetycznej i pielęgnacji skóry pojawiają się nieustannie nowe trendy, technologie i innowacje. Jednak nie zawsze chodzi o to, co nowe, ale o to, co skuteczne, sprawdzone i dopasowane do indywidualnych potrzeb pacjentów. Chloe Clinic, znana z...
HIFU - FAQ - Questions and Answers
Nowadays, aesthetic medicine offers us many innovative solutions to keep our skin young and beautiful without invasive surgical procedures. One of the most revolutionary yet effective treatments,...
Types of scars and ways to treat them
Scars are a natural part of the skin's healing process after injury, surgery or other external factors. While they are a testament to our history and experiences, for many people they can be a source of discomfort, both physically and emotionally. In Chloe...
Zmarszczki i Bruzdy
Zmarszczki i bruzdy to naturalne cechy starzenia się skóry, które pojawiają się w miarę upływu czasu. Są one wynikiem utraty elastyczności i jędrności skóry, co zwykle jest wynikiem zmniejszenia produkcji kolagenu i elastyny, dwóch kluczowych białek odpowiedzialnych...